Your Destiny Supersedes Your Mistakes!

 On this Sunday morning, as we set our clocks back an hour, marking the end of day light savings time, Joel Osteen’s message is “Your Destiny Supersedes Your Mistakes!” And I hope everyone had a good time trick-or-treating yesterday on Halloween? All Saints’ Day follows the holiday along with All Souls’ Day as I wrote about these days in my post titled Tonight is Devil’s Night! All of this having nothing to do with Joel mind you, but it’s just my way of getting started to write down my notes as I watched and listened to Joel’s broadcast: None of us are perfect, and the Lord knows I’ve made many mistakes in my life already, but by His grace and mercy God’s will for my life and my destiny shall be fulfilled: Praise be to the glory of God!

To think that God knows me better than I know myself, is such a blessing, because I’m readily led astray by my negative thoughts; The “should have” “could have” “would haves” of our own minds and thoughts are our worst enemy making us feel like we have somehow failed in our lives; We have to let go of these kinds of thoughts in our minds, knowing that God’s plan for our destiny will be done, no matter what mistakes we have made God has a new plan to take care of us; God always gives us another chance, no matter what our poor choices have been.

Joel quoted these verses of Scripture:

God is not just the God of perfect people, He is the God of all people; When you have made mistakes repent of your sins to God and move forward, your destiny is bigger than your mistakes; Open up your heart to God’s goodness and mercy He is forgiving of our mistakes; Don’t let your performance change who you are, be the person who God knows that you are; You have to have a heart to please God, a purity in your heart only God can see; Your future is filled with God’s blessings and favor in your life; God knows the end from the beginning, He knows the best path for your life; God never gives up on us!

God has the solution before you ever have the problem, call out to God for help, run to God for mercy and kindness; Failure is not final, come to the throne of God and follow His directions, open your heart and receive God’s mercy; Your destiny is bigger than your mistakes, move forward with a heart filled with the love of God, the promises of your heart will come to pass.

This is the information from the podcast page about today’s message Your Destiny Supersedes Your Mistakes by Joel Osteen:

God’s plan for our lives isn’t dependent on having to be perfect, never making a mistake or never taking a wrong turn. When you make a mistake, God isn’t shaking His head saying, “I never dreamed he would do that. He ruined My plan.” The scripture says God knows the end from the beginning. That means He knew every mistake we would ever make.

Nothing that you’ve done or any mistakes that you have made or ever will make is a surprise to God.

He already knew when we were going to turn left even when He said turn right. He knew when we were going to hang around someone even though He warned us they would be a bad influence. God knew every poor choice. The good news is He had already planned a way to get you back on His best path for your life. He has grace for every weakness and mercy for every failure.

Failure is not final. Mistakes don’t have to keep us from our destiny. God’s plan can override every setback. You may have failed a thousand times, but God has not written you off and canceled your destiny. Your mistakes do not disqualify you from God’s plan for your life. He still has a way to get you to your final destination.

Keep God first in your life and He will take you places you’ve never even imagined!

Thanks for Listening,


My Unique Life in Windows Live Space

About Jeff

I started my Blog on November 25, 2006 and I wanted a Web page where I could "Learn Something New!" Windows Live Spaces made it so easy that even I could do it. I made a commitment to myself to write something in my Blog every day. My writing challenge ended on May 23, 2012.
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2 Responses to Your Destiny Supersedes Your Mistakes!

  1. Duckie says:

    Thank you for this. I have needed some reassuring as of late and you have given me what I need..

  2. Happy says:

    So true. Mistakes help to narrow the focus to achieve one\’s destiny. We are just humans learning how to do stuff. Great post Jeff. Have a super-fabulous and inspired week. Hope not snowing there just yet.

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