Writing in an altered State

I often feel most comfortable, when I am “Writing in an altered State,” like the words are my mantra, in a form of my very own type, of meditation: This idea came to mind, as I was looking for a way to describe, how my mind feels while I write. It’s as if my mind goes off into this kind of altered state of consciousness, and I’m using this description, because of my lack of being able to describe this state of awareness, Meditatein any other way. In my entry a few days ago Just write about It was this thought: It would be to overcome the many psychological barriers that I have in my mind, and I’m experiencing one of those obstacles right now.

How to put one’s state of mind into words seems to be a most difficult task. Well, at least for me to write about, or describe my state of mind, as I try to write today, seems most difficult to explain. But this learning experience or this experiment in writing each day is what Writing just to Write is all about.

So in conclusion today: I’ll be placing this post in the Writing Practice Doctorcategory, but really there’s just so much more to add, to these few words. My hope is to explore many of these psychological barriers in the future. Along with exploring this altered state in writing a little bit further on another day.

Thanks for Listening,


My Unique Life in Windows Live Space | Writing just to Write!

About Jeff

I started my Blog on November 25, 2006 and I wanted a Web page where I could "Learn Something New!" Windows Live Spaces made it so easy that even I could do it. I made a commitment to myself to write something in my Blog every day. My writing challenge ended on May 23, 2012.
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